BEING an academician, especially a lecturer, writing a scientific paper and publishing in an accredited international journal, is a must.
You could not be labeled as an academician if you can’t produce scientific work and publish it. Without any scientific work, your passion as an academician seems imperfect.
Moreover, the scientific work is an obligation if you want to adjust your lecturer level and continue higher education. So, it is not surprising that the lecturers are competing to make scientific works as good as possible so that the papers can be published by accredited international journals.
Unfortunately, not all academicians are able to publish their work in accredited international journals, but rather “predator” places.
The obligation to publish scientific papers in the international journal becomes a trigger for publisher business over the world. Even, infrequently the writer of the journal was apparently not paid for his work but instead had to pay a few dollars to publishers.
Well, how can this international publisher business be a “scourge” even a “predator” for academicians?
One of my classmates, a fellow recipient of The Institute of International Education (IIE-Cohort 8) Scholarship, Bli (Brother) I Gusti Agung Made Wardana, who has often reviewed the scientific works of other academicians, explains about the existence of this “Predatory Journal” by “Predatory Publishers”.
Bli Agung is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Murdoch University. Now, he is an academician at Gajah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta.
The following is his explanation of the “Predatory Journal” which must be concerned by academicians.
What is the Predatory Journal?

GETTING invitation to be a reviewer of a journal named Biomedical Research under Allied Academies, one of the Predatory Publisher, according to the Beall’s List, made him in a dilemma.
Reading the abstract, the theme raised is very interesting, namely the punishment of castration for perpetrators of sexual crimes against children in Indonesia. It shows clearly the writer is an Indonesian.
These two dilemmas that he faced:
First, He wants to accept the offer so that he can trace who the author is. If he knows the auhtor, he will contact the person concerned to provide input about the reputation of the journal.
On the contrary, if he accepts this publisher’s offer, his name may be used to enter the board of reviewers from the journal. The purpose of inviting reviewers in predator journals is actually not to improve the quality of articles that will be published but just want to show as if there is a peer-review process.
In addition, if he accepts the article, it means capturing his name to be included as board of reviewers, so that the journal looks bonafide.
Second, if he does not accept this invitation, it means that he is doing omission because another colleague of Indonesian lecturers / researchers falls in the “tomb” of an international predatory journal. It’s a pity if academician efforts to produce a scientific work must be ‘annexed’ by a predator journal.
This issue actually becomes counterproductive from the initial expectations of the author to have an intellectual ‘footprint’ at the international level and add to the series of losses he must suffer. Not only the economic loss because the fee he must pay to the publisher but also far more important is the bet on his academic reputation because the footprint in the predatory journal will continue to be recognized.
Predator Journal List
Journals categorized as predators by Jeffrey Beall, a librarian in the US, are weak journals or there is no peer-review process in the publication process.
Whereas peer-review is an important process for reviewing the substance of the manuscripts sent to assess its feasibility as a scientific work. These journals override this important process only to pursue the quantity of publications.
For example, a predator journal that is promoted via email, many promises to publish manuscripts in an unreasonable time (for example a week after manuscript is submitted – it is impossible that a serious peer-review process will take that time).
For a list of predator journals can be seen here!
Money that must be spent
In addition, the predatory journals can publish 12 times a year. This means that every month there will be 8-10 articles that they publish. If a year there are approximately 100 articles.
If one article they withdraw money or a publication fee of Rp 5 million from each author, then they can earn their income Rp 500 million per year for less effort, only to make the website for publishing the journals.
Adverse impacts of publishing scientific work in predatory journals
Regarding citation can be quoted but once again the feasibility is questioned. For example, if Bli Agung has ever written an article in a predator journal, then Bli Agung’s article will not be recognized as a work that can be calculated for credit. If so, then the money has been paid for the publication fee would be in vain.
Furthermore, if Bli Agung listed it in a professional CV for school, scholarship, or anything else, then CV Bli Agung reviewer most likely knew that there was an article in the journal. As a result, Bli Agung’s reputation as a serious scholar who is keeping the wisdom of intellectual and intellectual integrity going down. He will be considered using a shortcut to look like he has an international journal.
So, be careful in choosing international journals, never use the Predatory Journal or you will be trapped. (sri murni)
Read the Bahasa version below:
Mengenal Jurnal Predator agar tak Terjebak, Sangat Penting bagi Para Akademisi
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